12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовала
Костякова Марина Анатольевна152
Россия, Алтай респ., с. Каракокша


Use: was или were?

Polly______ in England.

We_______ in the garden.

The pupils ________ at the school now.

The concert _______ very interesting.

There _______ beautiful flowers at the Florist’s.

I _______ at home last evening.

She ________ at the mall yesterday.


Use: was или were?

Polly______ in England.

We_______ in the garden.

The pupils ________ at the school now.

The concert _______ very interesting.

There _______ beautiful flowers at the Florist’s.

I _______ at home last evening.

She ________ at the mall yesterday.


Use: was или were?

Polly______ in England.

We_______ in the garden.

The pupils ________ at the school now.

The concert _______ very interesting.

There _______ beautiful flowers at the Florist’s.

I _______ at home last evening.

She ________ at the mall yesterday.


Use: was или were?

Polly______ in England.

We_______ in the garden.

The pupils ________ at the school now.

The concert _______ very interesting.

There _______ beautiful flowers at the Florist’s.

I _______ at home last evening.

She ________ at the mall yesterday.


Use: was или were?

Polly______ in England.

We_______ in the garden.

The pupils ________ at the school now.

The concert _______ very interesting.

There _______ beautiful flowers at the Florist’s.

I _______ at home last evening.

She ________ at the mall yesterday.


Use: was или were?

It _______ so nice to meet you again.

It ________ raining yesterday.

I _______ in Moscow.

The children ______ at the cinema.

We _________ at home last night.

There ________ a lot of people in the café yesterday.

My granny ________ in China last year.


Use: was или were?

It _______ so nice to meet you again.

It ________ raining yesterday.

It _______ hot two days ago.

The children ______ at the cinema.

We _________ at home last night.

There ________ a lot of people in the café yesterday.

My granny ________ in China last year.


Use: was или were?

It _______ so nice to meet you again.

It ________ raining yesterday.

I _______ in Moscow.

The children ______ at the cinema.

We _________ at home last night.

There ________ a lot of people in the café yesterday.

My granny ________ in China last year.


Use: was или were?

It _______ so nice to meet you again.

It ________ raining yesterday.

It _______ hot two days ago.

The children ______ at the cinema.

We _________ at home last night.

There ________ a lot of people in the café yesterday.

My granny ________ in China last year.


Use: was или were?

It _______ so nice to meet you again.

It ________ raining yesterday.

It _______ hot two days ago.

The children ______ at the cinema.

We _________ at home last night.

There ________ a lot of people in the café yesterday.

My granny ________ in China last year.


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